Thursday, 3 December 2009

The rise of SQUARE power.

Have just finished printing a set of winter images for dispay in the local cafe, Angies. Six SQUARE frames with six SQUARE images of last winters snow inspired by IKEA square frames, local winter conditions and PLATFORM58.

Check out Platform58 the networking site for artists run by a friend of mine. On it he runs a monthly e-zine to which any of the platform58 members can submit an image on the theme for the month. All images have to be 580 X 580 pixels at 72dpi, hence the SQUARE in the title. No golden section here just the plain common or garden, SQUARE.

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Monday, 2 November 2009

This years entry !

Maybe this is the start of a more active blog, who knows, I just found an extension for the Firefox web browser called, ScribeFire, yes you guessed it, a blogging tool. Now I can prep, preview then publish as and when.
Now with Paula and her jumping frogs and foxes on fire here are the Rogue Rabbits.... Caught on camera whilst on the homeward leg through the grounds of Monk Coniston on a walk round Tarn Hows in the Lake District.

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Sunday, 11 January 2009